truewishes 193
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Welcome to my truewishes e-shop. You may open now its white magic door, that is leading you straight up to the world of the ancient Greek magic, where you can meet positive energy, and leave me to bring to realization your wishes even the deepest of your desires.

Here, you will find magic materials of the Art of the Ancients and the knowledge how to use them properly.

All materials are collected from Greek nature are such potent and strong that you can’t find anywhere else! Materials from the Greek sea and Greek land, carefully and traditionally prepared in the correct planetary hours and in the exact days to provide the maximum of the magic energy needed to your works and rituals.
Having more than 30 years of experience in High Greek Magic, I personally prepare for you each one of the items that are presenting here with much respect in to the old ways of Greek magic. I also reinforce with the proper words and rituals where is needed and make them activated and ready to be in use serving your cause.

Sacred places full of positive energy are used every time for such mystic preparations so you can only purchase high quality sacred and ritual oils, magic herbs, cleansing incenses, old and sacred spells, altar supplies, gemstones, love potions, magic waters, papyrus, parchments, beautiful mystical gifts, elixirs, archangelic oils, blends, magic salts, chakra oils, saints oils, charcoals discs, magical purses.
There is also a service for Tarot reading with extraordinary apocalyptical results that you will be amazed.

In each item’s formulation, I only mix the necessary ingredients as described in the recipes from my personal grimmorium that was inherited to me from my grandmother, also a High Greek Magical priestess, with much respect and devotion in to the old ways and the Art.

The greatest smells and quality that you will not find anywhere else cause everything is collected and gathered with much concern, care, dedication and total devotion. But most of all … Love!
Welcome to my little home of magic when everything can happen.

We all have a bit of magic in us, our own special of something wonderful. I want to encourage each of you to find whatever is within you and to trust it, to work toward it and to be faithful to it until it has landed solid within you, and you can recognize it on this page and see it for real.
Show the magic what no one else has that is uniquely you.
I share this with you as an invitation, with the hope that it might help you out of a creative rut.

Enjoy shopping!

All items are shipped via registered priority mail in bubble wrap envelopes and recycled carton boxes if need. All  items are in-stock, and posted 1-3 business dayS after the payment is received. Shipping time  is usually from 3-40 business days.
All items are shipped via registered priority mail in bubble wrap envelopes and recycled carton boxes if need. All items are in-stock, and posted 3-5 business days after the payment is received. Shipping time is usually from 3-40 business days.