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Honeycakecandles 2
Morpheus Candle in Bubble Glass
A scent to lure you into the gentle arms of Morpheus the god of sleep. Basil, Frankincense and Hops calm and relax you whilst Catnip, Chamomile, Lavender, Nutmeg, and Valerian gently release their soporific effect.Made with Eco Soy wax guaranteed no GM sources and a paper cored wick to ensure good scent throw. No man-made fragrance used only pure essential oils.Essential oil list – Basil, Catnip, Chamomile, Frankincense, Hops, Lavender, Nutmeg, ValerianApprox burn time - 19 hoursDia - 65mmHeig...
EUR 23.26
bMystic 168
bMystic Pendant from personal collection Powerful Magick Djinn x2 jinn
Haunted Demonic Djinn & Angelic Baha'i Djinn
EUR 399.48
lulusnan 39
UK shipping only
EUR 4.08