I would rather offer vessels for the spirits to come through, rather than spirit keeping, as I believe that the spirits are not for us to keep, they have a spirit home to return too. The vessel lets them come and go as they wish, or for you to call upon when you need their help.
I could of use a doll for this spirit companion, but sometimes you may wish to pop the ring on a pendant, put in your purse, bag or wallet so they can go wherever you go if you wish
Elsa is around the age of 62, she lived around the early 1900's She has long grey hair which she like to put up into a bun, and loves her bright red lipstick.
She will be there for you to give you support in emotional times, and give you guidance when you ask for it........ Full instructions will be given on how to contact Elsa and bring her into your life. She is full of support and will bring you comfort
The ring's power will grow the more you bond with it - your energy and the spirits connection will grow.
You will feel the Elsa's spirit presence around you in time. Take notice and acknowledge her, and thank her for her help.
Ring size
USA 8 1/2