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Witchcraft and Spells 1125
To Help You Before Interviews - Spell Casting - job work
Available in Single, Double or Triple Castings
USD 16.18
bMystic 168
bMystic Pendant from personal collection Powerful Magick witch x2
Haunted Dark Female Witch & Haunted White Female Witch
USD 431.16
Witchcraft and Spells 1125
Spirit Companion Child Troy
TROY  SPIRIT COMPANION I would rather offer vessels for the spirits to come through, rather than spirit keeping, as I believe that the spirits are not for us to keep, they have a spirit home to return too. The vessel lets them come and go as they wish, or for you to call upon when you need their help.I could of use a doll for this spirit companion, but sometimes you may wish to pop the ring on a pendant, put in your purse, bag or wallet so they can go wherever you go if you wishTroy is aroun...
USD 45.30