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Witchcraft and Spells 1125
Spirit Companion Child Troy
TROY  SPIRIT COMPANION I would rather offer vessels for the spirits to come through, rather than spirit keeping, as I believe that the spirits are not for us to keep, they have a spirit home to return too. The vessel lets them come and go as they wish, or for you to call upon when you need their help.I could of use a doll for this spirit companion, but sometimes you may wish to pop the ring on a pendant, put in your purse, bag or wallet so they can go wherever you go if you wishTroy is aroun...
USD 45.30
takeapeak 250
50 3D Nail Art Fimo Canes Stick Rods Polymer Clay Stickers Tips Decoration Nails
Colourful & 3D appearance make these fimo slices very eye catchingUse your imagination to create any combinations of nail art work you desire. Can also be used on other accessories such as mobile phones, ipods, books, laptops, and other mediasEach rod is approximately 5cm long. Diameter is between 0.3 to 0.5cm depending on the design.Designs and colours may vary but you will get a fabulous sellection of cflowers, fruits, & characters.Each rod should yield from 50 - 100 slices depending on thick...
USD 6.46