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EnchantedHomes 1
Black Skull Soap Dispenser
UK Shipping only  Postage is FREE
GBP 12.98
EnchantedHomes 1
UK Shipping only Postage is FREE
GBP 10.56
sekhmetscat 2
Personal Astrological Birth Chart + Report - emailed digital copy
PERSONALISED ASTROLOGICAL NATAL BIRTH CHART REPORTI will calculate your Birth Chart based on the information you provide, which will show where the planets were at the time and date of your birth. This makes the report a unique and personalised account. The chart is interpreted for you to show you where your strengths and weakness's lie in different areas of your life. This A4 report is about 20 pages long and will be emailed as a .doc attachment within 2 days of payment.This can be bought for y...
GBP 30.00
Witchcraft and Spells 1125
SPELL INFUSED HARMONY CANDLEThis listing is for a tealight soya candle - animal friendlyThe candle is infused with a harmony spell, and what you do is, place the candle in a holder or on a coaster, light it and relax.  Look at the flame and think about the purpose of this candle, and meditate/think quietly about the situation for a while.You can now go about your day, you can leave the candle burning or snuff it out until you may need it again - never blow out a candle as it will blow the mag...
GBP 8.99