Archangel Gabriel. His name means "The Power of God." Well-known and beloved Archangel, called Angel of Truth. It is also a messenger of God.
Coated with the oil of the Archangel Gabriel in the second chakra and your wrists to feel the Archangelic vibrations .
Invite him to help in matters of clarity, purity, order and discipline. He creates more harmony, beauty and purity of the Earth. Helps you develop your intuition and find your true path. Call him when you need sublimation. He is also the archangel of birth, ask his blessing for all newborn souls.
Before you start a project that has to do with art and communication, ask the Archangel Gabriel to guide and oversee your activities, saying aloud or in you:
"Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence near me as well (Describe the process). Please open the channels of my creation, so that I can truly be inspired. Help me open my mind to create original ideas. Please also helped to keep the energy and my motivation, so that I can realize my inspiration. Thank Archangel Gabriel. "
You will receive a glass bottle who contains 10ml
All my products are ritual, and created using the finest quality herbs, resins, oils, roots, and essencial oils. They contain no synthetic materials.
All my products are composed in the exact and proper planetary hours following instructions which are derived from old scriptures and magical grimoriums under the influence of certain angelic and elemental forces.