Archangel Raziel . The name means "The Secret of God." Patron of the Cherubim and the Divine Mysteries Occult Knowledge. Often referred to as one who leads mortals when writing sacred texts and offers divine inspiration. Archangel of spiritual visions, prophecy and revelation.
Coated with the Archangel's Raziel oil the third eye chakra and your wrists to feel the Archangelic vibrations.
To deepen your spiritual understanding esoteric ideas, called Archangel Raziil.
Because his messages have depth, it is best to communicate with him in a quiet environment. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, relax your mind and tell you from the inside:
"Archangel Raziel , please help me open my mind to the divine mysteries of the universe. Help me get rid of any limiting beliefs or fears, so that I can get to the deeper spiritual understanding and clearer level. I would like to advise me for.... (describe a problem you are seeking a solution, making your questions one to one and leaving enough time between them, so that Raziel respond to each one and you can have enough time to absorb and realize the answers). Thank Archangel Raziel , teach you. "
You will receive a glass bottle who contains 10ml
All my products are ritual, and created using the finest quality herbs, resins, oils, roots, and essencial oils. They contain no synthetic materials.
All my products are composed in the exact and proper planetary hours following instructions which are derived from old scriptures and magical grimoriums under the influence of certain angelic and elemental forces.