Metatron is the highest Archangel , esteemed more than any other of God’s hosts. He rules over all, the living things below and the living things above. This is hidden in them and taken from them.
Metatron is the Keeper of the Keys between humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy to dissolve all disharmony and pain in every layer of humanity and within the folds of Gaia's advancement towards the higher vibrational cycle.
Working with Metatron can especially help you in these ways:
balancing your masculine and feminine energies, your material and spiritual pursuits,
balancing karmic issues, bringing peace and understanding to your life issues related to past and current incarnations, promoting better and more fulfilling relationships between you, others, and Creator.
Metatron's objective is to keep your thoughts free of clutter so that your are ready and able to receive the truths that will allow you to become the best you can be. He will help you connect to your own truth and higher self if you ask.
The bottle contains Oil / 10ml
All my products are ritual, and created using the finest quality herbs, resins, oils, roots, and essencial oils. They contain no synthetic materials.
All my products are composed in the exact and proper planetary hours following instructions which are derived from old scriptures and magical grimoriums under the influence of certain angelic and elemental forces.