I cast This Figure candle with a mixture made out of Beeswax , coloured with cinnabar . Contains red rose petals love herb ruled by Venus used to work sympathetic magic. Also contain black musk oil, a very extroverted and powerful fragrance. A wick running through the center from head to feet.
Use it for burning or pricking with Pins
Made at a waxing moon on Friday in the hour of Venus when no planets are retrograde.
A Figure is a doll. It is the shape of a human that is used for magical purposes.
A Figure is generally used to represent a person, either a specific individual or a symbolic representation of a type of person, such as a soul mate or lover. By creating and using a physical representation of the person, energy becomes easier to focus and send.
Figures work well in direct magic, such as a love spell, because they give the person working the spell something real and concrete to focus their intent on.
This Figure stuffed with love made to make a clear description of the traits or personality of the person being attracted.
The red Woman Figure used in rituals of love, to bring union, bond, marriage and eternal tying a man to a woman .
Use in spells of love and attraction. Figures are excellent for use in cases of attracting love, attraction or improving sex. For spells to Return & Keep Your Lost Love.