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Constance 388
Egyptian Goddess Wadjet for Protection Spell Casting
Hello my name is Constance and I am offering a Egyptian Wdjet Protection Casting Spell CastingThis casting is for you if you need Protection.  This could be in general daily life, or particular people/person.  I could also be used for protection from negativity in your life which could be past or present.Please let me know upon purchase which type of casting you desire.This casting is done over 3 nights
GBP 30.00
Constance 388
Demon Arabian Spell Casting of your choice - Extreme black Casting 31 days
Hello my name is Constance and I am offering a 31 day Extreme Arabian Egyptian Casting.This casting is for ANY situation if a casting you are looking for is not on the list below please do contact me.1.  Wealth            2. Success spell      3. Negative karma removal spell   4. Emotional healing spell         5. Increase your luck and fortune spell                6.  Employment spell         7.  Protective light for you and your loved ones spell  8. Relationship...
GBP 290.00
Constance 388
Prayer to St Jude / Thaddeus - For Hopeless Situations
Hello my name is Constance and I am offering a 4 day voodoo/hoodoo casting for Prayer to St JudeWe turn to St Jude in times of need and for serious or seemingly hopeless causes - including depression, grieving, unemployment, and illness - and ask for his divine intercession.In accordance with his surname, Thaddaus (which means generous, courageous, kind), Our Lord said, "He will show himself most willing to give help"There is a simple prayer you need to do after the castingWhat makes my casting...
GBP 30.00