Dolphins balance their animal nature with a higher intelligence. They trust their instincts and intuition rather than overthinking things. They live peacefully with other species, including humans. It isn’t uncommon for dolphins to swim and play around swimmers and boats. Their gentle natures remind us to look for the good in everyone and strive to bring peace to our lives and those around us.
People are often attracted to the dolphin power animal because of their playfulness. They are a reminder to keep a sense of humour about our lives. The dolphin spirit animal shows that everyone needs to play sometimes for the sheer joy of it. They remind us to take some time out of our busy lives to experience life like a child does.
Dolphins have long been linked to resurrection. The ancient Greeks believed that they carried the souls of the dead to the afterlife. In Christian artwork, the dolphin is often portrayed as carrying souls to Christ so they can be born anew. People who are attracted to the dolphin spirit animal may find themselves on the cusp of a spiritual and personal rebirth, or may have undergone one recently.
Dolphins in the wild are strong and fearless. When sharks or orcas threaten them, they don’t hesitate to fight instead of trying to flee. They represent strong moral convictions and self-confidence, reminding us to speak our minds and stand our ground rather than hide our true selves.
The dolphin is a complex animal and has had many different meanings attached to it throughout history, including: