The vibrant little finch animal totem is unafraid to express what makes its heart sing. It is an outwardly jovial and upbeat bird with many lessons to teach us. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by negativity in our lives and thus find it difficult to be truly and simply happy. This is where the finch comes in as the dutiful master does for its student.
The Finches as bird totems remind us of the important attributes of joy, appreciation, high energy, positivity and optimism , and simplicity. They also implore us to be mindful of the Earth’s resources, careful and responsible with our diets, and to add some variety to the mundaneness of daily life. Life is a journey, and we should enjoy all the milestones along the way instead of solely focusing on the end result.
The Finch symbolism exemplifies this clearly through their flight patterns. Unlike most avians, who simply take the quickest and most efficient route from point A to point B, these songbirds make their journey in flight into a dance, twisting and turning throughout the air for no purpose other than enjoyment.
They are free and happy and are unconcerned with what is considered the acceptable norm. The finch symbol is thought to be an omen of exciting and joyful times on our horizon, so take the time to relax a little and be open to the great times to be had.
Joyful, Upbeat, Positive, Simple, Cheerful, Freedom, Happy, Lively, Enthusiastic, Optimistic