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Honeycakecandles 2
Breathe Candle in Bubble Glass
The simplest of my scents and designed to promote a swift recovery from the misery of a cold. Both Lavender and Eucalyptus are reputed to have antiviral and antibacterial properties so this candle helps to reduce the amount of germs in the air whilst the Lavender calms, relaxes and encourages sleep and the Eucalyptus goes to work to aid in clearing the airways to give a deep and healing sleepMade with Eco Soy wax guaranteed no GM sources and a paper cored wick to ensure good scent throw. No man-...
EUR 13.08
Witchcraft and Spells 1125
Comes with 1 Magickal Spell Infused Candle, Ring inside
EUR 11.98
Witchcraft and Spells 1125
To connect with Archangel Cassiel Pendant
Archangel CassielThe words associated with this Archangel are good fortune, luck, purpose and positivity. Cassiel is the Angel of good fortune, helping you to create your own 'luck' so you can reap the vast rewards of positive thinking. His greatest gifts are patience and strengthening inner convictions giving us strength to work hard, have inner discipline and belief in ourselves.The colours associated with this Archangel are earth colours, from rich russets and browns to oranges.Use this spe...
EUR 46.43
takeapeak 250
Coleman's Laws. The Twelve Medical Truths You Must Know To Survive By Vernon Co
COLEMAN'S LAWSThe twelve medical truths you must know to survive by Vernon Coleman Brand New
EUR 8.64