bMystic 163
bMystic Wolf Tooth design Obsidian Pendant from personal collection Powerful Magick
protect your body from negative and harmful energies
AUD 74.71
bMystic 163
bMystic Arrowhead Pendant from personal collection Powerful Magick
To guide and show you the way
AUD 78.25
truewishes 192
Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter Seal Pentacle for psychic visions. Great power, Seal of Solomon, Talisman, Angels, Genesis
The following Magical Seal, also known as 'The Seal of Solomon. They are very ancient and amazingly strong Talismans for various different areas of use.The Planetary Seal of Jupiter are manufactured ritual from me, the first Thursday of the New Moon and first hour of Jupiter as well I say the prayers of the day. Use of this seal can help in daily cases and life in general.Use the Talisman as it is if you are a beginner.If you are an advanced practitioner these Angelic symbols (talisman/Seals) ca...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Tetragrammaton seal, Lord, Bible, Name of God, Divine Name,Yod-He-Vav-He, Esoteric Pentagram, Elohim,Geiger, Adonai, YHWH,papyri, Talmud
The Tetragrammaton is the ancient Israelitish name for God.Tetragrammaton was believed to possess marvelous powers.As Jews are forbidden to say or write the Tetragrammaton in full, when reading the Torah they use the term Adonai. Christians do not have any prohibitions on vocalizing the Tetragrammaton; in most Christian translations of the Bible, "LORD" is used in place of the Tetragrammaton after the Hebrew Adonai, and is written with small capitals (or in all caps) to distinguish it from other...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Full moon water. Lunar Water. MAGICAL WATER. Remove jinx and curses. Clean your body and home. See visions for the future.
Water has long been a tool of mystics and magicians. Throughout the world, this substance has been carefully gathered and preserved for ritual use. Purification, love, healing, money attraction, protection&mdashthese are some of the wonders that practitioners have gained through the ritual use of special waters. Less than one hundred years ago, collecting water was an arduous task, as it continues to be in parts of the world today. In these times of reliable plumbing, many have forgotten the old...
AUD 22.43
truewishes 192
6th Pentacle of Mars. The owner of this cannot be harmed. Secret Alphabet of Malachim
Sixth Pentacle of MarsIt hath so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attacked by any one, thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fightest with him, and his own weapons shall turn against him. Around the eight points of the radii of the Pentacle are the words "Elohim qeber, Elohim hath covered (or protected)," written in the Secret Alphabet of Malachim, or the writing of the Angels. The versicle is from Psalm xxxvii. 15:–"Their sword shall enter into their own hear...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Archangel Gabriel seal,sigil,prayer,grimorioum,God,humanity,love,Moon,Armadel,divine mysteries secret techniques of angelic magic,Prophet
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. Archangel’s Gabriel day is Monday.I send it printed with the seal colour of the archangel Gabriel drawn by the famous grimorioum of Armadel that teaches the secret techniques of the angelic magic. The tradition hands down that it was Gabriel to instruct the Prophet Elia on the deepest mysteries of the di...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Archangel Thavael Seal sigil,Powerful,tradition protects invocations,Heaven Christian Bible,prayer,rituals Armadel,sphere Saturn Jesus
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. Archangel’s Thavael day is Saturday.You wiil receive the seal in 8 cm size .The seal of the Archangel Thavael taken from the famous library dell'Armadel who teaches the secret of magic angelic. Thavael is one of the angels who belong to the sphere of Saturn. According to tradition dell'Armadel was the an...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Fifth Pentacle of Saturn. Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own.
Fifth Pentacle of Saturn. This Pentacle defendeth those who invoke the Spirits of Saturn during the night; and chaseth away the Spirits which guard treasures. Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own. The Hebrew letters in the angles of the Cross are those of the Name IHVH. Those in the Angles of the Square form ALVH, Eloah. Round the four sides of the Square are the Names of the Angels:– Arehanah, Rakhaniel, Roelhaiphar, and Noaphiel. The versicle is: "A Great God...
AUD 28.82
bMystic 163
bMystic Small Scallop Sea Shell from personal collection Powerful Magick
Venus Love
AUD 58.99
truewishes 192
Storm Water. MAGICAL WATER. For strong protective ritual, indeed, for any type of magic, protection, warding and binding spells.
Water has long been a tool of mystics and magicians. Throughout the world, this substance has been carefully gathered and preserved for ritual use. Purification, love, healing, money attraction, protection&mdashthese are some of the wonders that practitioners have gained through the ritual use of special waters.Less than one hundred years ago, collecting water was an arduous task, as it continues to be in parts of the world today. In these times of reliable plumbing, many have forgotten the old ...
AUD 22.43
bMystic 163
bMystic One Large Sea Shell from personal collection Powerful Magick
For the life you desire
AUD 176.96
truewishes 192
Archangel Zadkiel Seal Sigil,altars rituals protection prayer,secret magic angelic,strength spiritual,violet ray of forgiveness
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. Archangel’s Zadkiel day is Thursday.You wiil receive the seal in 8 cm size .Other spellings include Zadakiel, Zedekiel, Zedekul, TZadkiel, Sachiel, and Hesediel.Archangel Zadkiel brings us compassion. He helps us forgive others and ourselves. Zadkiel can bring emotional healing in miraculous ways. He is ...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
2nd Pentacle of Venus. For obtaining grace and honour, and for things which belong unto Venus.
Second Pentacle of Venus. These Pentacles are also proper for obtaining grace and honor, and for all things which belong unto Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein. The letters round and within the Pentacle form the Names of Spirits of Venus. The versicle is from Canticles viii 6:-"Place me as a signet upon thine heart, as a signet upon thine arm, for love is strong as death." The following Magical Seals, also known as 'The Seals of Solomon. They are very ancient and amazingly stro...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Metatron's seal, sigil,cube, Sacred Geometry, platonic solids,fruit of life,talisman,Ancient ,Flower of Life,Meditation, Tree of Life
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. To connect with Archangel Metatron and work with him keep this seal on you, in your pocket, in your wallet, in your bag or on your altarMetatron is the highest Archangel , esteemed more than any other of God’s hosts. He rules over all, the living things below and the living things above. This is hidden i...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
1st Pentacle of Sun. Metatron talisman. The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is alleged to bring the possessor all things he may desire.
The First Pentacle of the Sun.The Metatron Pentacle is therefore one of the strongest and most powerful of all the pentacles of Solomon! The Countenance of Shaddaï the Almighty, at Whose aspect all creatures obey, and the Angelic Spirits do reverence on bended knees.This singular Pentacle contains the head of the great Angel Methraton or Metatron, the vice-gerent and representative of Shaddaï, who is called the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine Cherub of the Ark, as Sandal...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Third Pentacle of Mercury. Influences the written word, tending to make one eloquent in letters, papers, or any writing.
Third Pentacle of Mercury. Influences the written word, tending to make one eloquent in letters, papers, or any writing. Used by all who wish to impress others with there literary skills, particularly poets & authors. This and the following serve to invoke the Spirits subject unto Mercury; and especially those who are written in this Pentacle. Mystical Characters of Mercury, and the Names of the Angels: Kokaviel, Gheoriah, Savaniah, and Chokmahiel. The Planetary Seals of Mercury are manufactured...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Storm Water. MAGICAL WATER. For strong protective ritual, indeed, for any type of magic, protection, warding and binding spells.
Water has long been a tool of mystics and magicians. Throughout the world, this substance has been carefully gathered and preserved for ritual use. Purification, love, healing, money attraction, protection&mdashthese are some of the wonders that practitioners have gained through the ritual use of special waters.Less than one hundred years ago, collecting water was an arduous task, as it continues to be in parts of the world today. In these times of reliable plumbing, many have forgotten the old ...
AUD 33.64
truewishes 192
Archangel Raphael Seal, sigil,mystical powers,vibration chemistry,Sylphs,Mercury,power Healing Spell Shamanic Ceremony Ritual Holy divine
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. Archangel’s Raphael day is Wednesday.You wiil receive the seal in 8cm size .I send it printed in color bearing the seal of the Archangel Raphael taken from the famous library dell'Armadel who teaches the secret of magic angelic. Raphael means "God's medicine" and is the head of the elemental powers of Ai...
AUD 28.82
truewishes 192
Archangel Michael Seal,sigil,charm,wing,Sunday,mystical powers,New Moon,prayer,protection,magic angelic,Sun,success,altar,ritual,invocation
The Seals of the Archangels are manufactured ritual from me with the same colours that are given, the first week of the New Moon and time of each Archangel as well I say the prayer of the day. Archangel’s Michael day is Sunday.Is printed with the seal of the Archangel Michael dell'Armadel taken from the famous library that teaches the secret of magic angelic. The tradition is said that Michael govern all actions of the prophet Elijah. Considered the prince of the heavenly army. According to tr...
AUD 28.82