truewishes 189
Archangel Raphael Roll On Oil. Health Seraphim prosperity healing chakra medical
Archangel Raphael Roll On Oil. Health Seraphim prosperity healing chakra medicalArchangel Raphael, the angel of treatment.Coated with Archangel Raphael oil heart chakra and your wrists to feel Archangelic vibrations.If you experience a physical or mental disorder, invoke help of Archangel Raphael for angelic healing. Will intervene immediately for help and healing.Also call him treatment, truth, creativity, vision. Called for all medical work, and to dispel the negative blockages that create ill...
USD 22.22
truewishes 189
Archangel Michael Roll on Oil. Protect, judgment, negative situation, uncrossing
Archangel Michael Roll on Oil. Protect, judgment, negative situation, uncrossingArchangel Michael. His name means "resembling God." 'he who is as God' Archangel of Mercy and Repentance, leader of the Order of Angels and Archangels, often appearing as General of the Angelic armies against evil. It is he who carries the souls of the dead before God for judgment. Also referred to as the angel of vengeance and destruction in the name of God. Expresses the strength and the will of God, faith, protect...
USD 22.22
truewishes 189
Metatron's Oil in Roll On Sacred Geometry Flower of Life Meditation bring peace
Metatron's Oil in Roll On. Sacred Geometry, platonic solids, Flower of Life, Meditation,bring peace, understanding, promote fulfilling relationshipsMetatron is the highest Archangel , esteemed more than any other of God’s hosts. He rules over all, the living things below and the living things above. This is hidden in them and taken from them.Metatron is the Keeper of the Keys between humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy to dissolve all disharmony and pain in every layer of humanity and within ...
USD 22.22
truewishes 189
Aphrodite Perfume Oil: Embrace the Radiance of Love and Beauty 10 ml
Aphrodite perfume oil containsJasminered roselavendermusk, Ylang ylang Aphrodite Perfume Oil: Embrace the Radiance of Love and BeautyEnter the captivating realm of allure and magnetism with Aphrodite Perfume Oil, a remarkable elixir crafted to celebrate the essence of femininity, love, and irresistible charm. Specially designed for those seeking to exude an aura of beauty and become an alluring magnet for affection and adoration.???? Goddess of Love and Beauty: Inspired by the great Olympian god...
USD 29.99